Birthday Post

It was my 22nd birthday on 18/08/2021

My mother and I actually share a birthday as well so we always have a big celebration on the 18th August. I have always loved sharing my birthday with my mum, it has always made it super duper special. 

In 2020, we had made plans of flying to Vietnam to celebrate a number of things. But sadly due to COVID, we couldn’t celebrate our big birthdays (21 and 50) last year, so this year we made some lovely plans!

So this year, we booked afternoon tea for us and Jake at a local restaurant which was insane!
Jake is not a fan of sweet things (how strange!) and they luckily had a savoury afternoon tea which involved pork pies, sausage rolls, chorizo scotch egg etc. Mum and I had a traditional afternoon tea with a glass of prosecco for a treat! Oh we gorged ourselves silly! 

After a food coma nap when we arrive at home, some of my friends came round for a BBQ which was nice! I had such a lovely day, spent with the people I love! So many thoughtful presents and messages received – I am so very grateful for everyone, I truly am very blessed! 

On a more of a diabetic note, my blood sugars were and absolute disaster to manage yesterday! 

Jake and I went out for dinner on the 17th August, it was a restaurant I have always wanted to go to as well, a lovely traditional Italian one! We shared a lovely bottle of white wine (I only had a glass as I was driving), had arancini for starters and followed that up with Parma Risotto. Absolutely insane, nicest risotto I have ever eaten, I was stunned at how yummy it was! I gave myself 5 units of insulin for this as my blood sugars where running quite low on the 17th, I gave less insulin to counteract it. I thought 5 units would keep me stable at around 9mmol. 

When we arrived home and I was okay for about 30 minutes. My dexcom alerted me of a low blood sugar which I treated with a fruit juice carton. Now this is where I have no memory of anything else. Apparently I dropped half of the carton all over the bedding, kept trying to fall asleep and was getting very frustrated at Jake for wanting to get me fruit juice! Despite my resistance he did get a glass for me anyway! When he came back upstairs, he said my face was twitching and was starting to fit. He handed the glass to me which I then spilt all over our bedding.

He got me several more glasses and sat with me until I gained consciousness again. Extremely worrying and very scary. An hour after this incident my blood sugars were only 4mmol so god knows what they were at their lowest point.  I had a rubbish night sleep due to this, especially as my blood sugars then shot straight up to 17mmol due to the fruit juice! We had a relaxed, slow morning on the 18th August due to this, I even had a birthday nap to fight the headache away! 

Due to the afternoon tea, my blood sugars took a turn and did not thank me for eating all the sandwiches and cakes! They then just struggled to get back into range as I kind of forgot I was diabetic. 

I had an incredible day and thoroughly enjoyed it. I loved doing what I wanted to do and not worry about what my blood sugars are doing, I just enjoyed myself but definitely dealing with the effects today!

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